strategic tech consulting

Technology & Humans: Opportunity and Crisis
PCS Wired is the strategic technology consulting, security, and training division of Psych/Consult Systems. We maintain tactical partnerships with top vendors and work with your IT staff and outside consultants, bringing to the table the consideration and management of critical, yet often-neglected Human Factors.
The Problems:
As organizations struggle to integrate modern (and ever-changing) technology into their workplace practices, they turn to their IT staff and outside technical consultants for recommendations, and make significant investments of money, time and effort deploying that technology. But they often neglect a critical area: Human Factors.
The Solutions:
PCSWired!'s unique contribution lies in recognizing and addressing the Human Factors involved in the effective and secure deployment of technology assets and resources, congruent with your corporate culture, personnel demographics, strategic mission, and current business climate. Our talented tech team works with your top management, your IT department, and your end users to:
The Payoffs:
As we work together, you will: PCSWired! will help your organization plan, choose, deploy, and utilize secure technology to become more productive and competitive in the 21st century.